Often, injured motorists have contributed in some way to their own accidents. They were either driving carelessly or recklessly themselves when someone slammed into them, causing damage. For example, a driver might have forgotten to use a turn signal, which contributes to another vehicle rear-ending him or her. Once upon…
Personal injury lawsuits exist to put injured victims in the place they would be had the accident never occurred. For this reason, our clients can receive damages in the form of reimbursement of medical expenses and replacement of lost wages. However, personal injury victims can also receive compensation for less…
Of all the injuries we see at Brassfield & Krueger, spinal cord injuries are some of the most severe. Any damage to the spinal cord can require a lifetime of rehabilitation and at-home care, as well as frequent surgeries. If you have suffered spinal cord damage, you could easily be…
For your convenience, we have offices in Rockford and Streator.