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Boat Accident Lawyers Near Me

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Boat Accident Lawyers Near Me

Illinois is home to many beautiful waterways that are perfect for a fun day of boating. Unfortunately, not all outings on a boat end well, and sometimes, accidents happen that result in serious injuries. Passengers may get thrown overboard and drown, or water can combine with the electrical components of a boat and cause an electrocution accident. 

Boat accidents can be caused by many different factors, but regardless of the cause, injured individuals can hold negligent parties liable for paying compensation for their losses. A boat accident lawyer near you can help you recover the full damages you deserve after a boat accident.

Speed Limits for Boats in Illinois

Unlike on the state’s roadways, Illinois does not enforce a speed limit on its waterways. Still, it is illegal for boat operators to operate their vessel at a speed that does not allow them to stop the boat within the assured clear distance ahead. It is also illegal to operate a boat more than five miles per hour when in a “No Wake” area. Additionally, it is illegal for boat operators to travel more than five miles per hour when they are within 150 feet of a launching ramp that is maintained by the Department of Natural Resources.

Although Illinois does not impose speed limits on waterways, excessive speeding is still considered reckless behavior both on the roads and on the waterways. As such, when a boat operator is traveling at great speeds and causes an accident, they can be held liable for resulting damages.

Boating and Drinking Laws in Illinois

While Illinois may not enforce speeding tickets on its waterways, it is illegal for boat operators to operate a boat while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Boat operators must not operate a boat with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher. Anyone who operates a boat with a BAC over the legal limit can be held liable in a civil claim for paying damages, and they can also face criminal charges for boating while under the influence.

Boat Accident Investigations

After an auto accident, an investigation is conducted and the same is true for boat accidents, as well. In Illinois, boat accident investigations are conducted by the Illinois Conservation Police or local law enforcement to determine if criminal activity took place. Under the Illinois Boat Registration and Safety Act, boat operators must file a boat accident report.

In addition to a criminal investigation, a lawyer will also conduct an investigation to determine liability. During the investigation, a lawyer will collect evidence to prove your claim, speak to eyewitnesses, and analyze the scene and the boats involved. This investigation is essential when trying to maximize the full damages accident victims deserve.

Call Our Illinois Boat Accident Lawyers Today

If you have been in a boat accident and need to speak to a boat accident lawyer near you, our seasoned attorneys at Brassfield & Krueger, Ltd. are here to help. We know how to investigate these crashes and prove liability so you recover the full settlement you deserve. Call us today or fill out our online form to schedule a free case evaluation and to speak with one of our experienced attorneys.

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