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Injury Attorney Near Me

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Experienced, Dedicated Legal Representation From Streator Injury Attorney

Accidental injuries can happen anywhere, such as in your car or when crossing the street, at home or on vacation, at a neighborhood store or while getting medical care from your doctor.

At Brassfield & Krueger, Ltd., we are dedicated to helping accident victims in Rockford and the surrounding areas. We understand how these injuries commonly occur, and the impact they can have on every area of your life. Our experienced injury attorneys can assist you in identifying who is responsible, so that you can get the compensation you need to recover.

Common Causes of ‘Accidental’ Injuries

The latest statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that as many as 31 million people each year visit hospital emergency rooms as the result of unintentional injuries. While commonly attributed as being accidental in nature, they are often the result of reckless or negligent conduct on the part of others. Common causes for injuries include:

  • Car, truck, and motorcycle accidents;
  • Bicycle and pedestrian accidents;
  • Slip and fall injuries;
  • Being struck by or against an object;
  • Dog bites;
  • Medical mistakes and errors;
  • Injuries caused by dangerous or defective products.

Help For Rockford Injury Victims

In the aftermath of an injury, you may be contacted by the insurance company for the at fault party, requesting a statement and looking to settle your claim. It is important to speak with an experienced injury attorney before speaking with their agents or representatives. These companies have a financial motive to dispute or deny your claim, and any statements you make can and will be used against. Once you agree to a settlement amount, you will be waiving your rights to any future compensation.

The best way to ensure you get the maximum amount of compensation is often by filing a personal injury lawsuit through the Illinois courts. Damages you may be entitled to collect include:

  • Medical costs and related expenses;
  • Lost wages and future losses in income;
  • Compensation for pain and suffering, including mental anguish, disfigurement or scarring and loss of enjoyment in life.

In addition to the above, you may also be entitled to punitive damages, which compensation meant to punish the at fault party for conduct that is particularly reckless or negligent.

Have You Been Injured? Contact Our Injury Attorneys Today

Get the dedicated legal help you need when injuries occur and contact Brassfield & Krueger, Ltd today. Our experienced Illinois injury attorneys have been serving clients in Rockford and the Winnebago County area for over half a decade. We can advise you on the best course of action, and assist you in getting the compensation you deserve. Call or contact our office online to request a free case consultation today.

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For your convenience, we have offices in Rockford and Streator.