No two car accidents are identical. There can be a number of variables, including the different types of vehicles involved. Other factors that will vary include road conditions, how fast each vehicle was traveling, the weather, and what parts of the vehicles sustained impact. This can result in a wide range of injuries, even from an accident that seems minor in nature.
If you were injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, it is important to contact an Illinois car accident attorney right away. The sooner you do, the more time he or she has to preserve evidence and protect your rights to help get you the compensation you deserve.
In the meantime, here is a look at some of the more common types of Illinois car accidents in which you could be seriously injured.
You have probably heard the term “T-boned in an accident.” That refers to a side impact collision that often causes significant damage to the vehicles and results in serious injuries for the driver and/or passengers. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Highway Loss Data Institute, side-impact collisions account for a quarter of all fatalities in the United States. This is the reason more vehicle manufacturers are incorporating side-impact airbags, as they can help prevent more serious injuries and reduce the overall number of fatalities. These types of accidents typically occur at intersections or in parking lots.
Rear-end collisions are probably the most common type of accident. These occur when the vehicle behind hits the vehicle in front. Sometimes it is because the driver in the back is distracted or did not realize traffic was slowing. Other times the vehicle in front stops unexpectedly, or the initial cause of the collision is a chain reaction with multiple vehicles involved. Rear-end accidents can be minor with seemingly minimal property damage, but the driver in the front vehicle can still sustain soft tissue injuries like whiplash.
Single-vehicle crashes are not uncommon, especially in the colder months when there is snow or ice on the ground. Inexperienced drivers, like teenagers, can run off the road, slip on ice, or overcorrect, causing the vehicle to hit a stationary object or veer off of the road. Speeding and distracted driving can contribute to single-vehicle crashes, as well.
When two vehicles hit each other while traveling in opposite directions, it is typically a head-on collision. When the front of both vehicles strike each other, it typically results in severe or catastrophic injuries or even fatalities. Vehicles traveling on more rural, one-lane roads that try to pass a slower vehicle without being able to see oncoming traffic are one of the main causes of head-on collisions.
Rollover crashes are violent and often result in multiple injuries and/or fatalities. Factors that can contribute to a rollover include the driver’s behavior, road conditions, weather, and the type of vehicle. Other elements include speed and whether someone was drinking at the time.
If you or a loved one was injured in a car accident that was someone else’s fault, contact Brassfield & Krueger, LTD., today to schedule an initial consultation. Let one of our Illinois car accident attorneys help you fight for the compensation you deserve.
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