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Compensation You May Recover for Truck Accident Injuries
Brassfield & Krueger, Ltd.
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Compensation You May Recover for Truck Accident Injuries

If you’re hurt in a truck accident, there may be significant implications for various aspects of your life. Considering the size of trucks compared to passenger vehicles, you may experience severe trauma and sustain brain or spinal cord injuries; permanent disabilities are also common. Even after the immediate or urgent treatment, it’s likely you’ll require ongoing care and rehabilitation. Medical costs add up and you may be unable to work, which affects your entire household.

At Brassfield & Krueger, Ltd., personal injury law is one of our core practice areas. Our attorneys fight for the rights of victims hurt in truck accidents, making sure they obtain the highest compensation available under Illinois law. While we would first attempt to negotiate a fair settlement with an insurance company, we’re committed to taking the matter to court if necessary.

Common Types of Damages Associated with Truck Accidents

Truck accidents have life-changing effects for injured victims and their families. Illinois law allows to you pursue the responsible driver for compensation, but you must act quickly to ensure protection of your legal rights. The statute of limitations allows you two  years to seek such damages as:

  • Medical Expenses: You may be able to recover costs for all types of medical services, including emergency treatment, rehabilitation and physical therapy, surgery and long-term care.
  • Lost Wages: If you’re out of work due to your injuries from a truck accident, Illinois law allows you to be reimbursed for the wages you were unable to earn.
  • Pain and Suffering: Your injuries result in physical pain, which may range from mild to severe. It’s possible to recover compensation for pain and suffering through the use of medical experts, who may testify or provide other types of assistance.
  • Loss of Personal Relationships: The physical effects of a truck accident injury will likely impact your relationships with your spouse, children, and other loved ones. You may claim losses of consortium, society, and companionship after this type of collision.

The insurance company for a truck driver may offer to resolve your claim out-of-court, but representatives are likely to quote a low amount to settle your case. These companies put their own financial interests first – not yours. If an insurer offers an amount that doesn’t fully compensate you for your losses, you’ll need an experienced attorney to take the battle to court. 

Don’t Put Your Rights at Risk: Our Truck Accident Lawyer Will Fight for You

If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, time is of the essence to retain experienced counsel to fight for your rights. You need a personal injury lawyer who has the negotiation skills to represent your interests in settlement negotiations, as well as the litigation experience to take the battle to court if necessary. Our attorneys at Brassfield & Krueger, Ltd. have many years of experience in complex litigation cases, representing truck accident victims thoughout Illinois. Please contact us to set up a case evaluation.

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