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Loss of Limbs

Rockford Injury Attorneys Helping You Seek Compensation for Loss of Limbs

Losing a limb is a very serious injury, and can have long-term physical and psychological complications. Indeed, even losing a smaller digit, like a limb or a toe, can be very impairing; losing an arm, leg, hand, or foot can be downright life-changing. At the law offices of Brassfield & Krueger, Ltd., our experienced loss of limb attorneys are passionate about helping workers who are victims of amputation injuries recover the compensation to which they are entitled.

Compensation for Loss of Limb Injuries in Illinois

When an individual’s loss of limb injury occurs on the job, that worker is entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits for their injury. In addition to coverage for the full extent of necessary and reasonable medical expenses, a worker will also be eligible for permanent partial disability benefits. These benefits are paid at a percentage of the injured worker’s average weekly wage, and the time for which benefits are paid is dependent upon the type of limb lost. For example, as found in Illinois Code, the loss of a thumb will be compensated for 76 weeks, 27 weeks for the loss of a third (ring) finger; 253 weeks for the loss of an arm, 215 weeks for the loss of a leg, etc. The full schedule of benefits can be viewed online.

In some cases, a loss of limb injury may be permanently and totally disabling. When this is the case, the injured worker will be eligible for permanent total disability benefits. If this is the case, the worker will be able to receive weekly wage replacement benefits for life. The benefit is based on a percentage of the worker’s average weekly wage (and is subject to the maximum benefit amount). A worker is only considered to be permanently and totally disabled in the event that their injuries are so severe they will never be able to return to work or adjust to other work in the future. For example, if you suffered the loss of two body parts, such as both arms, both legs, or an arm or a leg, you will be considered permanently and totally disabled.

Recovering Your Maximum Compensation Amount

There is no doubt that losing a limb is one of the worst types of injuries an individual can sustain, and may completely change that individual’s ability to work and do other things they love and enjoy. As such, ensuring that you receive the maximum amount of compensation available under workers’ compensation insurance is essential. Our experienced Rockford workers’ compensation attorneys help you to file your workers’ compensation claim and explore the option of filing a third-party liability claim if appropriate.

To schedule a free consultation with our law offices, call us today or submit a contact request online. We work hard for workers in our state, especially those who have suffered serious injuries.

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